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Command Spliting fasta $ faidx -x reference.fa chr1.fa chr2.fa ... chrY.fa $ samtools faidx reference.fa chr1 > reference_chr1.fa Indexing fasta $ samtools faidx chr21.fa $ cat chr21.fa.fai chr21 46708999 7 60 61 NAME Name of this reference sequence LENGTH Total length of this reference sequence, in bases OFFSET Offset in the FASTA/FASTQ file of this sequence's first base LINEBASES The number of bases o.. 2020. 8. 7.
참고 Bioinformatics' latest paper https://www.recruitment.pondiuni.edu.in/aggregator/categories/1 Importance sampling https://www.math.arizona.edu/~tgk/mc/book_chap6.pdf Monte Carlo Integration https://cs.dartmouth.edu/~wjarosz/publications/dissertation/appendixA.pdf Advanced Statistical Computing https://bookdown.org/rdpeng/advstatcomp/ MCMC burn-in https://www.johndcook.com/blog/2016/01/25/mcmc-bur.. 2020. 7. 28.
링크 Drug 신약 관련 https://novelism.co.kr/category/Drug e-Learning 컴퓨터 관련 https://keepmind.net/ Advanced Econometrics https://sites.google.com/view/christophe-hurlin/teaching-resources/statistique-math%C3%A9matique Introduction to Probability, Statistics and Random Processes https://www.probabilitycourse.com/ 김도형의 데이터 사이언스 스쿨 - 머신러닝 편 https://datascienceschool.net/view-notebook/083b935146c34eed9abbf45b5.. 2020. 7. 28.
Glossary C - CentiMorgan : a unit of genetic distance that represents a 1% probability of recombination during meiosis. ex) if two genes are 1cM apart, there is a 1% chance they will break apart during meiosis. One cM is equivalent, on average, to a physical distance of approximately 1 megabase in the human genome. D - Derived alleles : the new mutations that have arisen in the population I - isofom : di.. 2020. 7. 9.